Argentina School Choice: Jujuy
- Type: Centralized
- Algorithm: Serial Dictatorship
- Quotas: Yes
- Disability (25%)
- Best GPA (Abanderado) (25%)
- Sibling (25%)
- Other (25%)
- Priorities: No
- Tie-Breaking: Multiple lottery
- Maximum schools: 2
Jujuy is the northernmost province of Argentina, with a surfice of 53.219 km$ ^2 $ and about 750,000 inhabitants. According to official statistics, there are approximately 1,400 educational institutions in 600 buildings (each educational level is a different institution).
In 2020, the current administration was forced to develop an online centralized system for families to enroll in public schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Before then, the province had a decentralized system, where families had to go to the school they wanted to enroll their children in and fill out a form. The new system was a significant improvement in terms of saving families time and effort, as most transitions from an in-person system to an online system would. However, there was -and still is- one innocent-looking detail that could be easily improved, and it’s related to the lottery used. The next section details.